ways to make the Internet dozens or even hundreds. But the really smart and affordable beginner does not seem to be typed and five. In May, started fundamentally new project MakeTrust, allowing SEO-master freed from routine work, and newcomer literally from day to earn money without the normal endless clicks and referrals.
long watched, worked, there were jobs. Look at the screenshot to the job - they cost hundreds of times higher than the cost clique in the SAR.
Personally, I came across the job more $ 1.
What is the job. You can register as a manager and post jobs for freelancers.
You can register as a freelancer and post links in social bookmarking, record company catalogs, post press releases and get paid for it. Already put in an hour 5 links sotszakladki can and boy, and that 1 cu In general, $ 10 a day is not the limit, and 3 hours with a smoke break.
You can add In the new space for placing links and receive remuneration from the traffic on these sites. In addition to 15.06.09g. the opportunity to earn writing press releases.
how it works.
registering , enter akkunt, go to the "new job", set up a search filter and click "Prepare the list." In the list, select the favorite task and click "suduchok" with an arrow. Now go to the "projects in the work" (here get selected jobs), one of the assignments click the icon to start.
opens a new window in which the left side contains the information that to publish. But in a great frame opens platform on which you want to register. If you want to register at the site, perform the task. After completing the layout, copy the link in the confirmation window and click save. It should be noted that the reference placement is sometimes possible to get only after moderation on the court.
proceed to the "standby" - it is there to move the task after you save the links. Click the icon in the form of sight "Verify placement" - if a box appears with the "entry found" - it means everything is correct, it remains to wait 48 hours, press the binoculars with the arrow and your account will be credited with money.
It's very simple, accessible from the main page detailed instruction and Videoseminar on the system. Here write in more detail it makes no sense. Only a few comments.
site is optimized for Windows Internet Explorer, but works fine in Mozilla Firefox without a pair of minor-friendly lotions. With some sites without alternatives, only work in IE.
site for registration simply open a new window - it's nothing on impact, but it is more convenient.
best to choose a job fresher, If a job in the system a long time - perhaps with something that is not so, although the price increases over time. The balance between make it more expensive or miss altogether.
typing jobs just check them and refrain from wrong. A job can not match the subject area. Or today, 06/16/2009, I go to the site - there is the most recently published Release 05.06.09, ie likely moderation is more than 10 days. We do not fit.
register 10 sites on 1 site faster than 1 site at 10 sites. But imagine situation, if the market turns out to be unsuitable, how much work is wasted. Moral - take a lot of jobs have already checked the site and 1 at the unfamiliar. If
There are currently no jobs available - check in 10 minutes or in the evening.
own link to register:>>>
This work will allow you to understand how to write and publish press releases, and will find a lot of sites for your articles and promote your sites.
only inconvenience - Long wait for moderation, then the big time postmoderatsiyu. With social bookmarking, almost without these problems, but the total value of $ 0.2 per link.
PS Can crop reffssylku, I'm not offended. Here and without this it is easy to earn decent amount of the withdrawal of every day, and your earnings from this will no longer. If my information is like, it will not give out of gratitude and his referrals always help whenever possible.
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