Many of us in childhood dream was to create its own radio, spinning in its waves only the music that we like. But nobody really knew how to do it. Now I'll show you how to create your own Internet or a local radio station. To create your own radio station you only need to download winamp ( download Winamp 5.57 ), SHOUTcast DSP Plug-in (474 \u200b\u200bkb) and the server itself SHOUTcast Server (248 kb) . Nothing extraordinary here do not know, simply to follow my instructions, that's all.
Firstly, this whole process is free, no need to invest anywhere, and so on. The money is needed in case you do not want to just a radio station for friends and radio station for the entire audience on its promotion and money will go.
Secondly, the radio station on the Internet to have good speed and know exactly how many listeners, this station is calculated. Count is very simple example: if you want to broadcast station at a speed of 56 Kbps per second, to listen to radio 10 users need to have speed on the Internet 560 Kbps.
formula for calculating:
U = V * S
where U - the speed of your Internet, V - velocity of broadcast stations and S - the number of listeners.
Thirdly, perhaps the most basic point - the desire. Without it anywhere.
Well, what do we start?
1. Download the above programs and install them.
2. After the installation folder (Program Files \\ SHOUTcast by default), locate the file sc_serv.ini.
Edit it through the usual notebook, using the following settings:
MaxUser - the number of listeners.
Password - Password for editing via the Internet (Be careful not specify the coveted password, specify the best fictional).
PortBase - Port through which the company will be broadcast. (I recommend to leave 8000) Everything is sorted out, now understand with SHOUTcast DSP Plug-in.
3. This plug-in installed himself winamp, therefore, to start its work to include winamp, press ctrl + p and select DSP / Effect. There, seek Nullsoft SHOUT cast Source DSP v1.9.0.
4. There is a small window, with tabs (Main, Output, Encoder, Input 1). Main window, we do not touch, move on output. Specify the ip address of the computer through which to to broadcast (if the local network, you still need to specify the ip address). Port - specifies the same port as in sc_serv.ini, specify the password with the same file sc_serv.ini. Put a tick on the point of Automatic Reconnection on Connection Failure, it gives an automatic connection after disconnection. Set the time delay when connecting to the server (For example 5 seconds).
5. Now click on the item YellowPages. Information about the radio station: Name (Description), the station address (URL), channel station in the vast IRC, genre (Genre), ICQ or AIM DJ. For normal Work stations should provide at least the name and genre of broadcasting. You can also disable the information if the station you'll broadcast through a local network. Enable Title Updates - display information about the song, I think it's worth tick.
6. All of the tab output sorted out. Now go to the encoder. Set the format broadcasting mono / stereo, and bitrate. You can install up to 5 different speeds and then switch between them depending on the number of listeners.
7. Understood and tab encoder, we quickly right? Now we have one tab input - a source of broadcasting. If you want to on their radios to listen to only one music, one can safely выбирать WinAmp (Reccomended). Если же вы хотите слушать не только одну музыку, а вести еще какую-нибудь программу, то вам остается выбор Soundcard Input.
8. Давай разберемся.
Open Mixer - call the standard system mixer.
Push to Talk - without interrupting the music speak (It must withhold).
Lock - sticky keys Push to talk.
Music Level - playback volume the main soundtrack.
BG Music Level - the volume of background music in the speech live.
Mic Level - the level of the microphone volume.
Fade Time - the rate of decrease / increase the level of volume during the transition from the regime to regime.
9. That is, in principle, and all the plugin settings zakonchina. Now includes a server (Program Files \\ SHOUTcast \\ sc_serv.exe default), go tab output (in winamp) and click Connect. Time has gone? If not, try restarting your computer and try again.
10. Test your radio simple enough. Turn off the sound in winamp, not to hear the song. Then turn on the Windows Media Player »Add url and type http://localhost:8000, where localhost - ip address and port number 8000. If you want to broadcast through the Internet or LAN, then instead of localhost, type ip address of your computer. For example:
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