So Professional hosting with PHP and MySQL, downloading via FTP, running with cPanel, website builder and lots of additional features is now worth 0.00 U.S. dollars, ie absolutely free! Moreover, without banners and other ads!
list the main features of free hosting:
* free space: 1500 MB!
* Monthly traffic: 100 GB per month!
* Support PHP, MySQL, SSI
for specialists - bring details:
o PHP mail () function and Sendmail
o Curl, GD2 library, ImageMagick, Zend o fopen () and PHP sockets
o safe_mode is OFF, file uploads ON
o Zend Optimizer support, Ioncube loader .. and much more features are enabled
* download on FTP
* control panel cPanel
* provided an opportunity to use the domain or to connect your (!)
* complete lack of advertising or banners
* ability to set any of your ads or banners
* 330 Free website templates all subjects
* website builder - create a site in 3 easy Steps!
* and, finally, most importantly - an automatic script installer Fantastico De Luxe! With it, you'll be literally 5 minutes to install the most complex Engines for the site (CMS - 11 different species, including Drupal, PHP-Nuke, Joomla!), create a blog (4 species, including b2evolution, WordPress), establish a modern forum (eg, phpBB2), to make your online Shop (CubeCart, OS Commerce, Zen Cart), or photo gallery (4images Gallery, Coppermine, Gallery) - A total of 45 scripts!
And I repeat - it's all free and without advertising!
Why is it free and how much will it last? Free will always be! And there are three reasons: firstly, this free service advertises the main site of serious hosting that already provides services for money, and thus is attracting visitors.
Secondly, if the user deems appropriate services free hosting for your site and it will satisfy its services, it can provide a small grant aid (donation) into a special account at PayPal (we do not 'll bother similar sentiments, especially since PayPal in the CIS - a problematic thing).
Finally, in the third - if the user lacks the capacity бесплатного хостинга (например, нужно больше свободного места - а для западного пользователя этих 1,5 гига - не так уж и много, т.к. при их скоростях интернета сайты packed video files and high resolution photos), he can always upgrade your hosting to paid versions.
But even if you decide to move to a paid hosting option, this vebhoster remains attractive for its price - $ 4.84 per month you can have hosting with unlimited disk space and place where any number of sites! In addition, when registering for a paid form of the free hosting provided by one domain in the zone. Com!
We are also still interested in the free version, so let's get to the main question - what kind of Web hosting, offering such services and how to register on this hosting?
So, free hosting with PHP and MySQL provides (positioning their services as $ 0.00 WebHost) - a subsidiary of the well-known pay- Hosting
to open the site click on the link or click on the banner - you get to the site where the right side under the menu to find much a blue button to register Sign Up and click on it:

After this you should fill in all fields to register - choose a name for the site, enter your name, email address and password - and all! Congratulations - you are the owner of the new sites hosted on free hosting with PHP and MySQL!
Attention! To create the site remained free hosting unlimited time to perform only two conditions: firstly, within the first 10 days post it at least one title page (or using the designer to create a website in 3 easy steps), and second - to ensure attendance of at least 10 unique visitors per month. If you will be a problem at an early stage to ensure the site of so many visitors - refer to the systems of active promotion ( example here , here or here ) - just add your site to the promotion and use free loans, the settings indicate - 1 visitors per day, that you have enough for 3 months and then pick up the popularity of the site:).
Also do not forget, please, at the bottom of the page to link to - it is not mandatory condition, but we are a little support the project, which gives us so much useful information.
FAQ for working with data hosting
Why am I not downloaded or does not run the file "ip_confirm.exe"?
Following the introduction of verification IP-addresses of the users often have problems with the file ip_confirm.exe. First of all, answer your question "what is it for?". The fact that this service is very popular, especially in South-East Asia, where it comes from so many users, using a hosting service in violation of the rules (in particular record the many accounts from one computer).
Therefore, to solve this problem hosting company introduced the verification IP-address of the computer to protect against the re-registration. Program ip_confirm.exe just performs this function - scans the network and passes its parameters to the database hosting. Now, again from the same network address can not open a new account (but this does not mean that you can not create another one site - just in my account sending a request for a new site - and he immediately created, and again with 1.5 GB of free !!!).
Now the problems: his work resembles the work of the program a Trojan virus, so in some antivirus software protection is triggered and the file can not download or ip_confirm.exe to run on your computer. What to do in this case? First of all, to believe that such a well-known firm, as, will not deal with the spread of the virus, and second reading forum hosting, where they write about how to overcome the problem. There are advised to download ip_confirm.exe as an archive to another address:, unpack it and run. If the antivirus will still protest - will have to disable it at your own risk.
I have done this operation on my computer and I can assure you that my computer was not infected - it will simply send data about my IP-address and more There was no activity. If you have doubts remain - The verification of the network, creating a backup before this system disk or boot from Win LiveCD. In general, if you need free hosting - you will find solutions. Moreover, that such testing is performed only once and then you will not have to run anything suspicious.
Why do not the scripts Fantastico?
The website hosting is currently underway on the work of these scripts. Promise during January 2009 to finish, we will wait ...
How to enable register_globals?
For security sites on the hosting option register_globals is switched to position "off". All modern applications and scripts normally work in these conditions. But if you need to enable this option in the state "on", add the file. Htaccess (it's located in the folder where you placed an index file site) this line:
php_flag register_globals on
however draw your attention to the fact that customer service is not recommended to do so.
Why is this service free?
Free Hosting has 3 sources of income: first, it belongs to a paid hosting company, which provides substantial financial basis, and secondly, the service is supports user donations coming in every day small donations from happy users, and finally free Hosting make money by offering paid hosting for those who need more space and more services.
So do not forget a sign of gratitude at least put a link at the bottom of your page for free hosting.
Can I place ads or banners on your pages?
Yes, you can use advertising to monetize the traffic or for other purposes.
Why is my account on the free hosting service deleted?
Perhaps you after registration is not placed the contents of the site on your hosting. In cases of inactive sites, it can be removed 10 days after registration. So take it for a while and create a simple website in 3 easy steps using the built-Free site builder or send files to your site content with built-in FTP-client. Within 30 days the site should go at least 10 unique visitors, if you do not know how to provide it, read on Page 1 below.
Why Account is only available in English and will be added to a Russian?
Free Hosting belongs to the American hosting company, so yet be content with what we offer, the more so because it is absolutely free.
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