I bulimiczką text written with a shiny cover.
In an absolutely sick eating too much covers the letters / pisemek / magazines.
term "bulimia musical" deftly coined fetish, so true!
I buy, compulsively, because I want to. Because I have to, as long as was something new! Then
minirytuał: Browse by careless hand, often from the end, stopping at selected areas, usually newspaper columns.
Nobody, absolutely nobody should touch the new prey in front of me, and God forbid have read! I firmly believe that if the harmony in the world would be disturbed and zapanowałby chaos greater than in Polish stadiums.
It is the responsibility of those concerned, if they already had had the privilege of viewing the magazine, the clause applies silence - no one dares to summarize my article, it alone will not reach him. Prophylactically growling.
pisemek archive of letters and charges almost every square meter room and basement for free, but you will not find in a collection or a number that przeczytałabym from beginning to end.
I guess it just makes me sick.
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