Tuesday, May 24, 2011

How To Play Radio In Bluetooth Headset

Dear children! I open my new blog, where I put poems composed by me, and there you can comment on them or put in the comments, some poems on similar themes. Blog address: razniestihi.blogspot.com

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Chocolate Truffle Orgin

Today I do not feel like doing anything ..

unbosom will! Somebody stop me!

Well, as the title, still overwhelms me najlichszy argument, so do not do anything with the list of priorities. I still think that you can not settle with something that was not spoken in person several witnesses.
And I have a clean conscience, because I never used.

I do not drink coffee
, mostly. I like coffee, of course, those with the lowest content of coffee, and rich in milk, milk foam and is willing to taste the syrup.
Since I belong to those who by drinking coffee late, ie after 10:15 (am) can not sleep today, I drank it three. Such hardcorowiec me, oh! Did I mention

I love HSM?
Yes, I love Disney kitsch, overexpression and squealing voices. Nay, even the Polish dubbing! Also, I had 2 / 3 of luck today, for what I would like to thank the Board TVP2 and my sister, who bravely grows sing along with favorite songs ( It's a musical, duuude! ).
evidence of here.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Which Dirt Bikes Create The Most Value

school year will soon end!

school year will soon end,
we will be able to rest at last!
And in the summer we'll rave,
play and swim, and sunbathe on the sand!

with the school we did not last long good-bye -
This summer will be held - and returned again,
And the word \u0026lt;\u0026lt;child>> is really not about us,
And we all go already in the fifth grade!

the summer we'll rave,
play and swim and sunbathe on the sand,
skate on a skateboard, friends play,
walk or just talk about something!

But will the summer, we go back to class,
Where once a teacher, had taught all of us,
We sit at the desk, open notebook
lesson and will be ready to record.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

How Wart Look When Dying

Our guys held competitions

Our guys have been competition.
UKsenii T. held competitions in badminton. She took third place. Competitions were held in SIMS at Pirita. In these guys are involved with all the clubs in Estonia.

Anna K. held competitions in rhythmic gymnastics. Unfortunately, it took only a tenth place. Competitions were held in Viljandi, and they are also involved children from all clubs in Estonia.