Valeria ♥ Valeriya / My video on Youtube - My videos on Youtube - Miei video su Youtube -
I thank all the visitors to the blog for their comments much appreciated. I hope to have satisfied the fans of Valeriya with the elaboration of his songs that I put on Youtube. = Alekos :-)))
I thank all visitors for their comments on the blog much appreciated. I hope that fans of Valerie satisfied with the development of his songs I put it on Youtube = Alekos:)))
Friday, December 31, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Coral Orchids With Eiffel Tower
Friday, November 5, 2010
What's The Joke In The Duck Song
Out Of Control / Out Of Control / Njepodkontrolno
video and test of all the songs
* All that i want /
= All I want / Tutto ciò che voglio = mp3
* Back to Love /
= On the Road of Love / On the Road of Love / Sur la route de l'amour / Sulla strada dell ' amore = mp3
* Believing /
= Putting Credeur = mp3
* Bird-separation /
= Bird-separation = mp3
* Break It All /
= Destroy Love / Distruggere l'amore = mp3
* Broken Wings /
= Broken Wings / Ali rotte = mp3
* Earth Song /
= Earth Song / Pjesnja zjemli / Suoni della terra
* Elle Voulait Jouer Cabaret /
= She wants to play in a cabaret / Ona hochjet igrat v kabarje / She Wants To Play Cabaret / Lei vuole giocare Cabaret
* Happy New Year /
= Merry / S novym godom / Buon Anno
* Here I Am /
* How Can You Mend a Broken Hearì /
= How can you redeem Broken Hearì / Come si può riparare uno Hearì Broken
* I Know /
= I know / ja znaju / Io voglio sapere = mp3
* I Love New York /
= I Love New York / Ti amo New York = mp3
* I Love You Baby /
= I Love You Baby / Ti amo Baby = mp3
* I Wil Travel On
* It is you /
= It's you /
* Its Over /
= mp3
* Jingle bells /
= New Year's Eve / New Year's Eve / Capodanno
* La traviata /
= Traviata / The Traviata
* Looking Inward /
= Watch a / Guarda dentro = mp3
* Love Sick /
= See / Amore malato
* Memory /
= Memory / Memoria
* Merry Christmas to the World /
= Merry Christmas to the World / Buon Natale al Mondo
* My All /
= My Everything / Tutte le ...
* Next to you /
= Next to you / Accanto a te = mp3
* Nostalgie /
= Nostalgia / Nostalgia
* Padam - Padam
* Pardonne moi /
= I'm sorry / Forgive me / Perdonami
* Romantic /
= We Are Together "My Vmeste" / Romantic = mp3
* Show Me The Way /
= Mostrami la via / Show me the way
* Somehow, Someway /
= Somehow, some way / In qualche modo = mp3
* Song Of The City (Happening To Me) /
= Song of the town (happens to me) / Canzone della città (Sono io) = mp3
* Spente le stelle /
= Off-Stars / Off the stars
* Stay With Me /
= Stai Con I / Stai con me = mp3
* Stayin 'Alive = mp3
* The Party's Over /
= Party for = mp3
* The Return = mp3
* The Sky Belongs To Me /
= The sky belongs to me / Il cielo appartiene a me = mp3
* There I'll Be /
= There I will
* Until You Love You /
= Until you love yourself / Finché come te stesso
* Voyage Voyage /
= Travel / Viaggiare
* Where are you? /
= Where are you / Dove sei? = mp3
* Yesterday /
= yesterday / Ieri
* Yes and no /
= Here i am / Sì e NO
* And finally I say /
= A naposljedok ja skazhu / And finally, I say / E per concludere, io dico
* And it snows /
= A snjeg idjet / And it snows / E nevica
* Conversation -
= Valeria and Stas Peha / Bjesjeda / Conversation / Conversazione = mp3
* Insomnia /
= Insomnia / Insonnia
* Pain / Wild /
= Bol / Pain / Selvaggio = mp3 = (Wild mp3)
* More Than Life /
= Bolshje chjem zhizn / More Than Life / Più della vita
* Be with me /
= Be With Me / Bene con me
* was Love /
= Byla ljubov / It was Love / E 'stato amore = mp3
* In the city park has a wind Orchestra /
= V gorodskom sadu igrajet duhovoj orkjestr / The city park has a brass band / Il parco città ha una banda di ottoni
* Valeria I. Prigogine and Fidget /
= Fidget
* in the forest frontline /
= V ljesu prifrontovom / In the forest frontline / In prima linea nella foresta
* Valeriya and Iosif Prigogine Show 2 STARS (2006) /
= Valjerija i Iosif Prigozhin shou 2 zvjezdy (2006) / Valeriya and Joseph Prigogine Show 2 STARS (2006)
* Valeria sings in a group with other artists /
= Valjerija pojet v gruppje s drugimi artistami / Valeriya sings in a group with other artists / Valeriya canta in un gruppo con altri artisti
* Valeria I. Prigogine and - Beryu /
= Liar / Liar / Sono Bugiarda
* in me my love /
= Vo mnje moja ljubov / To me, my love / Per me , il mio amore = mp3
* Magic House /
= Volshjebnyj dom / The Magic House / La casa magica = mp3
* In oskresenie /
= Voskrjesjenije / Sunday / Domenica = mp3
* extinguished heaven /
= Gasnut njebjesa / Extinguished heaven / Cielo Spento = mp3
* Where are you? /
= Where are you? / Dove sei?
* City of childhood /
= Gorod djetstva / City of childhood / Città di infanzia = mp3
* Long ago /
= Davnym-davno / A long time ago / Molto tempo fa = mp3
* Two stars /
= Dvje zvjezdy / Two Star / Due Stelle
* Two Roses /
= Two Roses / Due Rose
* Goodbye, Moscow /
= Do svidanja, moskva / Goodbye, Moscow / Addio, Mosca
* See /
= Love Sick
* Donja /
= Donya
* herringbone /
= Jelochka / Herringbone / A spina di pesce
* Sorry /
= Zhal / Sorry / Scusa = mp3
* wait for me /
= Wait for me / Aspettami
* Valeria and Oleg Gazmanov - One minute before the snow /
= One minute before the snow / Un minuto prima della neve = mp3
* Goldfish /
= Zolotaja rybka / Gold Fish / Pesce d 'oro = mp3
* Cinderella /
= Zolushku / Cinderella / Cenerentola
* Hello again /
= Hello Again / Ciao di nuovo "
* game does not love /
= Igra nje ljubov / The game is not Love / L'amore non è un gioco = mp3
* Love Story /
= Istorija ljubvi / A Love Story / Storia d'amore
* How delightful evening in Russia /
= How delightful evening in Russia / Come deliziosa serata in Russia
* As Good Eyes That /
= Kak horoshi tje ochi / How well those eyes / Come sono belli quegli occhi = mp3
* purse /
= Kalitka / Wicket / Cancelli = mp3
* Cap Cap /
= Kap-kap / Cap-cap = mp3
* Kapelkoyu /
= Kapjelkoju / Droplet / Goccioline = mp3 = ( Mp3 Remix )
* Classroom I /
= Klassnaja, kak ja / Classroom I / Aula I
* Keys /
= Kljuchiki / Keys / Chiavi = mp3
* When you call me /
= Kogda mjenja ty pozovjosh / When you call me / Quando mi chiami
* Concerto Concert su Kohtakte
* distorting mirror /
= Krivoje zjerkalo / Distorting Mirror / Specchio deformante = mp3
* Swan Song /
= Ljebjedinaja pjesnja / Swan Song / Canto del Cigno = mp3
* Lines hands /
= Linii ruki / Lines hands / Linee delle Mani = mp3
* best city in the world /
= Luchshij gorod zjemli / The best city in the world / La migliore città del mondo = mp3
* Love has come /
= Ljubov nastala / Love has come / L'amore è venuto
* MM Instrumental B-Mix Year 2000
= MM Instrumental B-Mix "2000
* Little Prince /
= Maljenkij prints / The Little Prince / ll Piccolo Principe = mp3
* Small Airplane /
= Maljenkij samoljet / Little Airplane / Piccolo aereoplano = mp3
* Boys Do not Cry /
= Malchiki nje plachut / Boys Do not Cry / Non piangete ragazzi = mp3
* Mambo Italiano /
= Mambo italjano / Mambo italiano = mp3
* playthings - /
= Mjenjajemsja igrushkami / Giocattoli / Playthings = mp3
* Snowstorm /
= Mjetjelitsa / Snowstorm / Tempesta di neve = mp3
* My Name /
= Moje imja / My Name / Il Mio Nome
* Moscow Not Go Verrier /
= Moskva sljezam nje vjerit / Moscow Tears Do not Believe / Mosca non crede alle lacrime = mp3
* Moscow went no picnic faiths /
= Moskva sljezam nje vjerit piknik / Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears picnic = mp3
* My Moscow /
= Moja Moskva / My Moscow / Mia Mosca = mp3
* Music /
= Muzyka / Music / Musica
* Together /
= My Vmjestje / My Vmeste / Romantic = mp3
* of Ivan Kupala (Ederlezi) /
= Na ivana kupala / The Midsummer / La mezza estate
* over Moscow net Sky /
= Clear skies over Moscow / Cielo sereno su Mosca
* Vain words /
= Naprasnyje slova / Vain words / Parole vane
* Do not hurt me /
= Nje obizhaj mjenja / Do not hurt me / Non farmi del male = mp3
* not deceive /
= Nje obmanyvaj / Do not cheat / Non barare = mp3
* Do not Forget former Passions /
= Nje pozabud bylyje uvljechjenja / Do not Forget former Passions / Non dimenticare ex Passioni = mp3
* Not with me /
= Not with me / Non con me - (There I'll Be)
* Do not Go Away /
= Nje uhodi / Do not Go Away / Non andare lontano = mp3
* Heaven /
= Njebjesa / Heaven / Cielo = mp3
* My Tenderness /
= Njezhnost moja / My tenderness / La mia tenerezza = mp3
* my darling /
= Njenagljadnyj moj / My darling / Mio caro
* Out Of Control /
= Njepodkontrolno / Out Of Control / Senza controllo = mp3
* Carry me over /
= Njesjet mjenja tjechjenije / Carry me over / Portami altrove
* Nobody like you /
= Nikto kak ty / No one like you / Nessuno come te = mp3
* Beggar /
= Beggar / Mendicante
* Nocturne /
= Noktjurn / Nocturne / Notturno
* Tender Is the Night /
= Noch njezhna / Tender is the Night / Tenera è la notte = mp3
* That was /
= The fact that it was / Il fatto che sia stato
* Clouds /
= Clouds / Nuvole
* Everything reminds me of /
= Obo mnje vspominaj / Everything reminds me of / Tutto ciò mi ricorda = mp3
* Wedding /
= Wedding / Nozze
* Common Cause /
= Obychnyje djela / Common Cause / Causa comune = mp3
* Lonely /
= Odinokaja / Lonely / Solitario = mp3
* Once on Christmas /
= Odnazhdy na rozhdjestvo / Once at Christmas / Una volta a Natale
* As to whether you . /
= Opravdajesh li ty. / Did you get you. / Hai preso tu. = mp3
* Autumn Smoke /
= Osjeni dym / Autumn Smoke / Autunno di fumo = mp3
* From separation to love /
= Ot razluki do ljubvi / From separation to love / Dalla separazione di amare = mp3
* Let me /
= Otpusti mjenja / Let me go / Lasciami andare = mp3
* faded Chrysanthemums /
= Ottsvjeli hrizantjemy / Faded Chrysanthemums / Crisantemi sbiaditi = mp3
* Pour water /
= Pjerjeljej voda / Pour water / Versare acqua = mp3
* Song for You /
= A Song for You / Una Canzone Per Te
* On the Road of Love /
= Po dorogje ljubvi / Back to Love / On the Road of Love / Sulla strada dell'amore = mp3
* Yummy music /
= Podbjeru muzyku / Pick up the music / Raccogliete la musica
* Flight /
= Flight / Volo
* Popolam /
= Popolam / In two / In due = mp3
* Last /
= Posljednij raz / The last time / L'ultima volta
* Last Poem /
= Posljednjaja poema / The Last Poem / L'ultima poesia = mp3
* Just so /
= Prosto tak / Just because / Solo perché = mp3
* Bird separation /
= Ptitsa-razluka / Bird-separation = mp3
* birds fly south /
= Birds fly south / Gli uccelli volano a sud
* destroy love /
= Razrushit ljubov / Destroy the love / Distruggere l'amore = mp3
* Rainbow Arch /
= Raduga-duga / Rainbow Arch = mp3
* Parting /
= Rasstavanije / Parting / Separazione = mp3
* Riga-Moscow /
= Riga-Moskva / Riga-Moscow / Riga-Mosca = mp3
* Pink Mist /
= Rozovyj tuman / Pink Mist / Nebbia rosa = mp3
* Russian Anthem /
= Russkij gimn / Russian Anthem - Inno Russo -
* Russian novel /
= Russkij romans' / Russian Romance / Romanza Russa
* With Angel /
= S angjelom / With an Angel / Con un angelo = mp3
* Good Morning /
= S dobrym utrom / Good Morning / Buongiorno = mp3
* Airplane /
= Samoljet / Samolet / Airplane / Aereoplano = mp3
* Blue frost /
= Sinij injej / Blue Frosted / Blue gelo = mp3
* Merry /
= S novym godom / Happy New Year / Buon Anno
* Snow /
= Snjeg / Snow / Neve = mp3
* Snowflake /
= Snjezhinka / Snowflake / Fiocco di neve
* Sochi /
= Sochi
* sleeping toys /
= Spjat ustalyje igrushki / Sleeping toys / Dormire Giocattoli
* Country Love /
= Strana ljubvi / Country Love / Paese d'amore = mp3
* Marmot New night /
= Surok novogodnjaja noch / Marmot New Year's Eve / Capodanno della Marmotta
* It hurts /
= Tak bolno / It hurts / Mi fa male
* Dance for Two /
= Tanjets dlja dvoih / Dance for Two / Danza per due = mp3
* Taya /
= Taju / Ty / Taio = mp3
* Phone /
= Tjeljefon / Phone / Telephone = mp3
* Только Раз Бывает В Жизни Встреча /
= Tolka byvajet raz v Zhizn vstrjecha / Only Happened many times in life encounters / Just happened many Meeting times in life = mp3
* Ты Где-То Там /
= Ty gdje-to tam / You're out there somewhere / You're out there somewhere = mp3
* You're sad /
= Ty grustish / You're sad / Sei triste
* You're not with me /
= Here i am
* You'll understand /
= Ty pojmjesh / You will understand / Capirai = mp3
* you came /
= Ty prishjel / You Came / E 'come = mp3
* Guess /
= Ugadaj / Guess / Indovinare = mp3
* Area /
= Corner / Area
* Though believe me, at least check /
= Hot povjertje, hot provjertje / Though believe me, at least check / Anche se mi credete, almeno controllare
* Flowers /
= Tsvjety / Flowers / Fiori = mp3
* Chasiki /
= Chasiki / Watch / Guarda = mp3
* Rain Man /
= Chjelovjek dozhdja / Rain Man / Uomo della pioggia = mp3
* black and white /
= Chjorno-bjelyj tsvjet / Black & White Color / Nero & Bianco = mp3
* Steps /
= Shagi / Steps / Passi
* This Mo b I Love /
= Eto moja ljubov / This is My Love / Questo è il mio Amore = mp3
* I met a girl /
= Ja vstrjetil djevushku / I met a girl / Ho incontrato una ragazza
* I fly /
= Ja ljechu / I'm flying / Sto volando = mp3
* Я спросил у ясеня /
=Ja sprosil u jasjenja / I asked Ash / Ho chiesto cenere
Out Of Control / Out Of Control / Njepodkontrolno
video and test of all the songs
= All I want / Tutto ciò che voglio = mp3
* Back to Love /
= On the Road of Love / On the Road of Love / Sur la route de l'amour / Sulla strada dell ' amore = mp3
* Believing /
= Putting Credeur = mp3
* Bird-separation /
= Bird-separation = mp3
* Break It All /
= Destroy Love / Distruggere l'amore = mp3
* Broken Wings /
= Broken Wings / Ali rotte = mp3
* Earth Song /
= Earth Song / Pjesnja zjemli / Suoni della terra
* Elle Voulait Jouer Cabaret /
= She wants to play in a cabaret / Ona hochjet igrat v kabarje / She Wants To Play Cabaret / Lei vuole giocare Cabaret
* Happy New Year /
= Merry / S novym godom / Buon Anno
* Here I Am /
* How Can You Mend a Broken Hearì /
= How can you redeem Broken Hearì / Come si può riparare uno Hearì Broken
* I Know /
= I know / ja znaju / Io voglio sapere = mp3
* I Love New York /
= I Love New York / Ti amo New York = mp3
* I Love You Baby /
= I Love You Baby / Ti amo Baby = mp3
* I Wil Travel On
* It is you /
= It's you /
* Its Over /
= mp3
* Jingle bells /
= New Year's Eve / New Year's Eve / Capodanno
* La traviata /
= Traviata / The Traviata
* Looking Inward /
= Watch a / Guarda dentro = mp3
* Love Sick /
= See / Amore malato
* Memory /
= Memory / Memoria
* Merry Christmas to the World /
= Merry Christmas to the World / Buon Natale al Mondo
* My All /
= My Everything / Tutte le ...
* Next to you /
= Next to you / Accanto a te = mp3
* Nostalgie /
= Nostalgia / Nostalgia
* Padam - Padam
* Pardonne moi /
= I'm sorry / Forgive me / Perdonami
* Romantic /
= We Are Together "My Vmeste" / Romantic = mp3
* Show Me The Way /
= Mostrami la via / Show me the way
* Somehow, Someway /
= Somehow, some way / In qualche modo = mp3
* Song Of The City (Happening To Me) /
= Song of the town (happens to me) / Canzone della città (Sono io) = mp3
* Spente le stelle /
= Off-Stars / Off the stars
* Stay With Me /
= Stai Con I / Stai con me = mp3
* Stayin 'Alive = mp3
* The Party's Over /
= Party for = mp3
* The Return = mp3
* The Sky Belongs To Me /
= The sky belongs to me / Il cielo appartiene a me = mp3
* There I'll Be /
= There I will
* Until You Love You /
= Until you love yourself / Finché come te stesso
* Voyage Voyage /
= Travel / Viaggiare
* Where are you? /
= Where are you / Dove sei? = mp3
* Yesterday /
= yesterday / Ieri
* Yes and no /
= Here i am / Sì e NO
* And finally I say /
= A naposljedok ja skazhu / And finally, I say / E per concludere, io dico
* And it snows /
= A snjeg idjet / And it snows / E nevica
* Conversation -
= Valeria and Stas Peha / Bjesjeda / Conversation / Conversazione = mp3
* Insomnia /
= Insomnia / Insonnia
* Pain / Wild /
= Bol / Pain / Selvaggio = mp3 = (Wild mp3)
* More Than Life /
= Bolshje chjem zhizn / More Than Life / Più della vita
* Be with me /
= Be With Me / Bene con me
* was Love /
= Byla ljubov / It was Love / E 'stato amore = mp3
* In the city park has a wind Orchestra /
= V gorodskom sadu igrajet duhovoj orkjestr / The city park has a brass band / Il parco città ha una banda di ottoni
* Valeria I. Prigogine and Fidget /
= Fidget
* in the forest frontline /
= V ljesu prifrontovom / In the forest frontline / In prima linea nella foresta
* Valeriya and Iosif Prigogine Show 2 STARS (2006) /
= Valjerija i Iosif Prigozhin shou 2 zvjezdy (2006) / Valeriya and Joseph Prigogine Show 2 STARS (2006)
* Valeria sings in a group with other artists /
= Valjerija pojet v gruppje s drugimi artistami / Valeriya sings in a group with other artists / Valeriya canta in un gruppo con altri artisti
* Valeria I. Prigogine and - Beryu /
= Liar / Liar / Sono Bugiarda
* in me my love /
= Vo mnje moja ljubov / To me, my love / Per me , il mio amore = mp3
* Magic House /
= Volshjebnyj dom / The Magic House / La casa magica = mp3
* In oskresenie /
= Voskrjesjenije / Sunday / Domenica = mp3
* extinguished heaven /
= Gasnut njebjesa / Extinguished heaven / Cielo Spento = mp3
* Where are you? /
= Where are you? / Dove sei?
* City of childhood /
= Gorod djetstva / City of childhood / Città di infanzia = mp3
* Long ago /
= Davnym-davno / A long time ago / Molto tempo fa = mp3
* Two stars /
= Dvje zvjezdy / Two Star / Due Stelle
* Two Roses /
= Two Roses / Due Rose
* Goodbye, Moscow /
= Do svidanja, moskva / Goodbye, Moscow / Addio, Mosca
* See /
= Love Sick
* Donja /
= Donya
* herringbone /
= Jelochka / Herringbone / A spina di pesce
* Sorry /
= Zhal / Sorry / Scusa = mp3
* wait for me /
= Wait for me / Aspettami
* Valeria and Oleg Gazmanov - One minute before the snow /
= One minute before the snow / Un minuto prima della neve = mp3
* Goldfish /
= Zolotaja rybka / Gold Fish / Pesce d 'oro = mp3
* Cinderella /
= Zolushku / Cinderella / Cenerentola
* Hello again /
= Hello Again / Ciao di nuovo "
* game does not love /
= Igra nje ljubov / The game is not Love / L'amore non è un gioco = mp3
* Love Story /
= Istorija ljubvi / A Love Story / Storia d'amore
* How delightful evening in Russia /
= How delightful evening in Russia / Come deliziosa serata in Russia
* As Good Eyes That /
= Kak horoshi tje ochi / How well those eyes / Come sono belli quegli occhi = mp3
* purse /
= Kalitka / Wicket / Cancelli = mp3
* Cap Cap /
= Kap-kap / Cap-cap = mp3
* Kapelkoyu /
= Kapjelkoju / Droplet / Goccioline = mp3 = ( Mp3 Remix )
* Classroom I /
= Klassnaja, kak ja / Classroom I / Aula I
* Keys /
= Kljuchiki / Keys / Chiavi = mp3
* When you call me /
= Kogda mjenja ty pozovjosh / When you call me / Quando mi chiami
* Concerto Concert su Kohtakte
* distorting mirror /
= Krivoje zjerkalo / Distorting Mirror / Specchio deformante = mp3
* Swan Song /
= Ljebjedinaja pjesnja / Swan Song / Canto del Cigno = mp3
* Lines hands /
= Linii ruki / Lines hands / Linee delle Mani = mp3
* best city in the world /
= Luchshij gorod zjemli / The best city in the world / La migliore città del mondo = mp3
* Love has come /
= Ljubov nastala / Love has come / L'amore è venuto
* MM Instrumental B-Mix Year 2000
= MM Instrumental B-Mix "2000
* Little Prince /
= Maljenkij prints / The Little Prince / ll Piccolo Principe = mp3
* Small Airplane /
= Maljenkij samoljet / Little Airplane / Piccolo aereoplano = mp3
* Boys Do not Cry /
= Malchiki nje plachut / Boys Do not Cry / Non piangete ragazzi = mp3
* Mambo Italiano /
= Mambo italjano / Mambo italiano = mp3
* playthings - /
= Mjenjajemsja igrushkami / Giocattoli / Playthings = mp3
* Snowstorm /
= Mjetjelitsa / Snowstorm / Tempesta di neve = mp3
* My Name /
= Moje imja / My Name / Il Mio Nome
* Moscow Not Go Verrier /
= Moskva sljezam nje vjerit / Moscow Tears Do not Believe / Mosca non crede alle lacrime = mp3
* Moscow went no picnic faiths /
= Moskva sljezam nje vjerit piknik / Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears picnic = mp3
* My Moscow /
= Moja Moskva / My Moscow / Mia Mosca = mp3
* Music /
= Muzyka / Music / Musica
* Together /
= My Vmjestje / My Vmeste / Romantic = mp3
* of Ivan Kupala (Ederlezi) /
= Na ivana kupala / The Midsummer / La mezza estate
* over Moscow net Sky /
= Clear skies over Moscow / Cielo sereno su Mosca
* Vain words /
= Naprasnyje slova / Vain words / Parole vane
* Do not hurt me /
= Nje obizhaj mjenja / Do not hurt me / Non farmi del male = mp3
* not deceive /
= Nje obmanyvaj / Do not cheat / Non barare = mp3
* Do not Forget former Passions /
= Nje pozabud bylyje uvljechjenja / Do not Forget former Passions / Non dimenticare ex Passioni = mp3
* Not with me /
= Not with me / Non con me - (There I'll Be)
* Do not Go Away /
= Nje uhodi / Do not Go Away / Non andare lontano = mp3
* Heaven /
= Njebjesa / Heaven / Cielo = mp3
* My Tenderness /
= Njezhnost moja / My tenderness / La mia tenerezza = mp3
* my darling /
= Njenagljadnyj moj / My darling / Mio caro
* Out Of Control /
= Njepodkontrolno / Out Of Control / Senza controllo = mp3
* Carry me over /
= Njesjet mjenja tjechjenije / Carry me over / Portami altrove
* Nobody like you /
= Nikto kak ty / No one like you / Nessuno come te = mp3
* Beggar /
= Beggar / Mendicante
* Nocturne /
= Noktjurn / Nocturne / Notturno
* Tender Is the Night /
= Noch njezhna / Tender is the Night / Tenera è la notte = mp3
* That was /
= The fact that it was / Il fatto che sia stato
* Clouds /
= Clouds / Nuvole
* Everything reminds me of /
= Obo mnje vspominaj / Everything reminds me of / Tutto ciò mi ricorda = mp3
* Wedding /
= Wedding / Nozze
* Common Cause /
= Obychnyje djela / Common Cause / Causa comune = mp3
* Lonely /
= Odinokaja / Lonely / Solitario = mp3
* Once on Christmas /
= Odnazhdy na rozhdjestvo / Once at Christmas / Una volta a Natale
* As to whether you . /
= Opravdajesh li ty. / Did you get you. / Hai preso tu. = mp3
* Autumn Smoke /
= Osjeni dym / Autumn Smoke / Autunno di fumo = mp3
* From separation to love /
= Ot razluki do ljubvi / From separation to love / Dalla separazione di amare = mp3
* Let me /
= Otpusti mjenja / Let me go / Lasciami andare = mp3
* faded Chrysanthemums /
= Ottsvjeli hrizantjemy / Faded Chrysanthemums / Crisantemi sbiaditi = mp3
* Pour water /
= Pjerjeljej voda / Pour water / Versare acqua = mp3
* Song for You /
= A Song for You / Una Canzone Per Te
* On the Road of Love /
= Po dorogje ljubvi / Back to Love / On the Road of Love / Sulla strada dell'amore = mp3
* Yummy music /
= Podbjeru muzyku / Pick up the music / Raccogliete la musica
* Flight /
= Flight / Volo
* Popolam /
= Popolam / In two / In due = mp3
* Last /
= Posljednij raz / The last time / L'ultima volta
* Last Poem /
= Posljednjaja poema / The Last Poem / L'ultima poesia = mp3
* Just so /
= Prosto tak / Just because / Solo perché = mp3
* Bird separation /
= Ptitsa-razluka / Bird-separation = mp3
* birds fly south /
= Birds fly south / Gli uccelli volano a sud
* destroy love /
= Razrushit ljubov / Destroy the love / Distruggere l'amore = mp3
* Rainbow Arch /
= Raduga-duga / Rainbow Arch = mp3
* Parting /
= Rasstavanije / Parting / Separazione = mp3
* Riga-Moscow /
= Riga-Moskva / Riga-Moscow / Riga-Mosca = mp3
* Pink Mist /
= Rozovyj tuman / Pink Mist / Nebbia rosa = mp3
* Russian Anthem /
= Russkij gimn / Russian Anthem - Inno Russo -
* Russian novel /
= Russkij romans' / Russian Romance / Romanza Russa
* With Angel /
= S angjelom / With an Angel / Con un angelo = mp3
* Good Morning /
= S dobrym utrom / Good Morning / Buongiorno = mp3
* Airplane /
= Samoljet / Samolet / Airplane / Aereoplano = mp3
* Blue frost /
= Sinij injej / Blue Frosted / Blue gelo = mp3
* Merry /
= S novym godom / Happy New Year / Buon Anno
* Snow /
= Snjeg / Snow / Neve = mp3
* Snowflake /
= Snjezhinka / Snowflake / Fiocco di neve
* Sochi /
= Sochi
* sleeping toys /
= Spjat ustalyje igrushki / Sleeping toys / Dormire Giocattoli
* Country Love /
= Strana ljubvi / Country Love / Paese d'amore = mp3
* Marmot New night /
= Surok novogodnjaja noch / Marmot New Year's Eve / Capodanno della Marmotta
* It hurts /
= Tak bolno / It hurts / Mi fa male
* Dance for Two /
= Tanjets dlja dvoih / Dance for Two / Danza per due = mp3
* Taya /
= Taju / Ty / Taio = mp3
* Phone /
= Tjeljefon / Phone / Telephone = mp3
* Только Раз Бывает В Жизни Встреча /
= Tolka byvajet raz v Zhizn vstrjecha / Only Happened many times in life encounters / Just happened many Meeting times in life = mp3
* Ты Где-То Там /
= Ty gdje-to tam / You're out there somewhere / You're out there somewhere = mp3
* You're sad /
= Ty grustish / You're sad / Sei triste
* You're not with me /
= Here i am
* You'll understand /
= Ty pojmjesh / You will understand / Capirai = mp3
* you came /
= Ty prishjel / You Came / E 'come = mp3
* Guess /
= Ugadaj / Guess / Indovinare = mp3
* Area /
= Corner / Area
* Though believe me, at least check /
= Hot povjertje, hot provjertje / Though believe me, at least check / Anche se mi credete, almeno controllare
* Flowers /
= Tsvjety / Flowers / Fiori = mp3
* Chasiki /
= Chasiki / Watch / Guarda = mp3
* Rain Man /
= Chjelovjek dozhdja / Rain Man / Uomo della pioggia = mp3
* black and white /
= Chjorno-bjelyj tsvjet / Black & White Color / Nero & Bianco = mp3
* Steps /
= Shagi / Steps / Passi
* This Mo b I Love /
= Eto moja ljubov / This is My Love / Questo è il mio Amore = mp3
* I met a girl /
= Ja vstrjetil djevushku / I met a girl / Ho incontrato una ragazza
* I fly /
= Ja ljechu / I'm flying / Sto volando = mp3
* Я спросил у ясеня /
=Ja sprosil u jasjenja / I asked Ash / Ho chiesto cenere
Friday, October 1, 2010
How Much Should I Pay For A Les Paul Special 1990
Sunday, July 25, 2010
How To Write A Get Well Card Broken Leg
Monday, July 12, 2010
Mansion Garden Sims 2 No Cd
Friday, May 14, 2010
Bangbross Watch Free Ask
Cause Of Aching Knees
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Calories On Chicken Curry
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
How To Repair Fried Hair
Fans of the Russian site Valeriya
Welcome to the dear fans of the singer Valeriya! This is a collection of sites in a beautiful and charming woman, a daughter exemplary, caring nephew, loving mother and faithful wife,
Sito Russi dei Fans di Valeriya
Benvenuti ai cari fans della cantante Valeriya! Questa è una raccolta di siti di una donna deliziosa e bellissima, una figlia esemplare, premurosa nipote, madre affettuosa e moglie fedele,
fans site Russian Valery
Welcome dear fans singer Valeria! This set of sites in a beautiful and charming woman, the daughter of an exemplary, caring nephew, loving mother and loyal wife,
"Official Valeriya's channel" YOUTUBE
"ALEKOS 1945" VALERIYA Youtube
Valeriya's new studio
11 November 2009
Valeriya opened a new record studio!
“After working at the best western studios and learning all the latest tricks and techniques, I wanted to set up a state-of-the-art studio in my country to give the artist the opportunity to work in a highly professional environment, as well as to be Able to invite western producers to create top-quality albums in Russia ", - she sais.
So now the dream of Russian pop star and her husband Iosif Came True!
New Study Valeriya's
November 11, 2009
Valeriya has opened a new studio!
"After working in the offices of Best Western and learn all the tricks and the latest techniques, I wanted to create a state-of-the-art studio in my country to give the artist the opportunity to work in a highly professional environment, come pure per essere in grado di invitare i produttori occidentali di creare album di alta qualità in Russia ", - ha sais.
Così ora il sogno di pop star e il marito russo Iosif si è avverato!
http:/ / / pro / post / news.php? id = 144
Valeria new studio
November 11, 2009
Valeria has opened a new studio record!
"After work in the best Western studios and learning all the latest tricks and techniques I wanted to create a State-Of-The-Art Studio in my country, give the artist the opportunity to work in a highly professional environment, as well as to be able to invite foreign manufacturers to create the best albums of money in Russia ", - noted She SAIS.
So, now dreams of Russian pop star and her husband Joseph has come true!
Fans of the Russian site Valeriya
Welcome to the dear fans of the singer Valeriya! This is a collection of sites in a beautiful and charming woman, a daughter exemplary, caring nephew, loving mother and faithful wife,
Sito Russi dei Fans di Valeriya
Benvenuti ai cari fans della cantante Valeriya! Questa è una raccolta di siti di una donna deliziosa e bellissima, una figlia esemplare, premurosa nipote, madre affettuosa e moglie fedele,
fans site Russian Valery
Welcome dear fans singer Valeria! This set of sites in a beautiful and charming woman, the daughter of an exemplary, caring nephew, loving mother and loyal wife,
"Official Valeriya's channel" YOUTUBE
"ALEKOS 1945" VALERIYA Youtube
Valeriya's new studio
11 November 2009
Valeriya opened a new record studio!
“After working at the best western studios and learning all the latest tricks and techniques, I wanted to set up a state-of-the-art studio in my country to give the artist the opportunity to work in a highly professional environment, as well as to be Able to invite western producers to create top-quality albums in Russia ", - she sais.
So now the dream of Russian pop star and her husband Iosif Came True!
New Study Valeriya's
November 11, 2009
Valeriya has opened a new studio!
"After working in the offices of Best Western and learn all the tricks and the latest techniques, I wanted to create a state-of-the-art studio in my country to give the artist the opportunity to work in a highly professional environment, come pure per essere in grado di invitare i produttori occidentali di creare album di alta qualità in Russia ", - ha sais.
Così ora il sogno di pop star e il marito russo Iosif si è avverato!
http:/ / / pro / post / news.php? id = 144
Valeria new studio
November 11, 2009
Valeria has opened a new studio record!
"After work in the best Western studios and learning all the latest tricks and techniques I wanted to create a State-Of-The-Art Studio in my country, give the artist the opportunity to work in a highly professional environment, as well as to be able to invite foreign manufacturers to create the best albums of money in Russia ", - noted She SAIS.
So, now dreams of Russian pop star and her husband Joseph has come true!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Kansuke Fuurin Protagonist
Joseph Prigogine - Song about a father / Joseph Prigogine - Song about a father / Giuseppe Prigogine - canzone su un padre
"Новый год в деревне Глухарёво". Телеканал НТВ (31 декабря 2010 - 1 января 2011)
"New Year's Eve in the village Gluharevo. N"New Year's Eve in the village Gluharevo. NTV (31 December 2010 - January 1, 2011)TV (31 December 2010 - January 1, 2011)
"New Year's Eve in paese Gluharevo. NTV (31 dicembre 2010 - 1 gennaio 2011)
Cочувствие Иосифа недостижима. Валерия всего пару красивыми и счастливыми.
Длинная жизнь и счастье - Алекос
Sympathy Joseph unattainable. Valeria just a couple of beautiful and happy.
Long life and happiness - Alekos
Joseph's sympathy is unattainable. Valeriya with just a couple of beautiful and happy.
Long life and happiness - Alekos
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